Monday, May 2, 2011

ABS Day 28

just 2 more days after this....and then.....a fun surprise!!!!
or maybe not so adorable and cute....

Warm up

1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x10 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x4 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do the exercises 2 times through

Work out:
1) Straight arm crunch with flutter kicks (x20)
2) Alternate heel touch (x20)
3) Physio ball ABC's (upper and lower case letters! aka 52 letters)

Do all this 3 times through....take a 5-10 min. break between finishing the abc's and starting the crunches again...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

ABS Day 27

Warm up

1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do the exercises 2 times through

1) bicycles (x50)
2) berry pickers (x30 ea.)
3) superman/dead fish (x25)

Do all this 3 times through!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

ABS Day 26

Thank you to all who are being understanding of me not being able to post every night.....i'm really sorry for the inconvenience...

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

1)bent knee hip raise (x 20)
2) Oblique crunches (x15 ea.)
3) physio ball hyperextensions (x20)

do all this 3 times through!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ABS Day 25

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

Workout: (if you can hold these for more try 1 minute!)
1) Planks (45 seconds)
2)  Oblique planks/ side planks (45 seconds) 1 each side.
3) Seal stretch with raised legs (45 seconds)
4) Pelvic Bridge (30 seconds) x 2

Do all this 3 times through!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

ABS Day 24

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

1) Rocky sit ups (x25)
2) oblique crunches (x 20 ea.)
3) physio ball ABC's
4) dead fish/supermans (x20)
5) pelvic bridge (30 sec.) (x2)

do all this 2 times through


I hope you all enjoyed your Easter surprise of a day off.....hahaha....

Hope the Easter Beagle visited everyone....and good job to all who auditioned tonight for Peter Pan....
see you all tomorrow for a new workout!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

ABS Day 23

Posted in the parking lot at the theater as I charge my phone...haha
But according to the radio there is a party on the rooftop top of the world haha

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

1)3 way sit ups (x 12)
2) berry pickers (x 30 ea)
3) physio ball push ups (x 10)

Do all this 3 times through!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

ABS Day 22

It's opening night, it's Opening Night....It's DMTC's latest show, will it flop or will it go?! Oh and for my mom to share with Dad, well and her own knowledge, Kate (Tyler's wife) had her baby Simon Nugent Thomas.
Oh and don't forget to dye your eggs!

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

1) Flutter kicks with straight arm crunch (x 20)
2) Alternate Heel touch (x25)
3) ABC's on a physio ball

Do all this 3 times through!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

ABS Day 21

How to--apply for a job;
How to--advance from the mail room;
How to--sit down at a desk;
How to--dictate memorandums;
How to--develop executive style;
How to get abs
for my summer swim suit
That my friends will all be jealous of.
This blog is all that I need:
How to--how to--succeed! 

HAHAHA you like that? i thought it appropriate for Final dress night...

Warm up:
1) 20 minutes of Cardio.
2) Body weight squats (x 10)
3) lunges (x8 ea.)
4) med ball push-ups (x3 ea.)
5) scorpion stretch (x 6 ea.)
6) trunk stretch (x 20 sec.)

Do all but the cardio 2 times through

Work out:
1) Bicycles x 30 ea. (if you can do 40 ea.)
2) Oblique crunches x 15 ea. (if you can do 20 ea.!)
3) straight leg raise toe touch x 15 (if you can do 20)
4) seal stretch with raised legs 30 sec. (x3)

Do all this 2 times through!!

Straight leg raise toe touch:
Lay flat on the floor arms at your side, legs extended. Exhale and perform a straight leg raise to a 90 degree angle with the floor. then take your arms and reach for your toes and perform a toe touch. then Inhale and lower your legs. (this is combining the straight leg raise and the toe touch into 1 exercise in case you were wondering)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ABS Day 20

Best Nap ever was just achieved...haha except now the jerky dog is whining geez i need to move...haha

Throw back to a few years ago

Warm up:
1)    1)  20 minutes of cardio (that’s right, 20 whole minutes! That is like an entire online episode of your favorite 30 minute television show.)
2)    2Body weight squats (x10)
3)  3) Lunges (try making this harder by holding some hand weights in your hands as you do these, or 2 water bottles, cans of soup, etc. ) (x8 ea.)
4)   4) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
5)   5) Trunk Stretch (x20 seconds)
Pu6) Med ball push ups (x 3 ea.)

BTW you only have to do the exercises 2 times, not the cardio...

Work out:

1) bent knee hip raise x 15 (or just bring your knees in to your chest but do 25)
2) alternate heel touches x 20 ea.
3) physio ball push-ups x 12 (or as many as you can do)
There is a modification for this if it is too hard, because this is the hardest part of the workout!

Do all this 3 times through

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ABS Day 19

Hello all,
I am writing this from the lobby of Safelite, since I had to get my window replaced. Shout out to whomever smashed it  in last night in the DMTC parking lot “You better look gosh darn sexy in my swim suit and pj’s, because I never got to wear them!” JERKS!
(also this would have been posted complete with a joke while I sat in the lobby waiting area, however they are one of the only company buildings I know who doesn’t have wireless internet, hello this is 2011, not 1998 haha)
Alright enough Debbie downer time, and on to some working out!
Youtube video of the day
Song this is how I feel about who ever smashed my window...I would be Antoine hahaha

Warm up:
1)      20 minutes of cardio (that’s right, 20 whole minutes! That is like an entire online episode of your favorite 30 minute television show.)
2)      Body weight squats (x10)
3)      Lunges (try making this harder by holding some hand weights in your hands as you do these, or 2 water bottles, cans of soup, etc. ) (x8 ea.)
4)      Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
5)      Trunk Stretch (x20 seconds) (have you noticed that you can go farther than when you first started doing these?)
Do all this 2 times through

1)      Rocky sit-ups (x20)
2)      Straight leg raises (x20)
3)      Supermans/dead fish (x20)
4)      Pelvic Bridge (30 seconds)  (x2)
Do all this 3 times through (ya this is a kinda hard day.)

Monday, April 18, 2011

ABS Day 18

I'm sorry these are being posted so late, but tech week is sorta kicking my butt right I hope you have patience...hehe...

Warm up:
1a) some sort of cardio exercise for 5-10 min.
1) Body weight squats (x10)
2) Lunges (x7 ea.)
3) scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
4) Medicine ball push-ups! (x2 ea.) (there are 4 different types here so there will be 8 push-ups every time you do this once through)
5) trunk stretch

Do all this 2 times through

Work Out:
1) Toe touch x20
2) V-twist x 10 ea.
3) Jackknifes/pikes x 15

Do this 3 times through

Sunday, April 17, 2011

ABS Day 17

How were those push-ups? tehehehe...well i hope that it wasn't too hard....if you aren't able to do the medicine ball push-ups at all simply go back to doing 10 "normal" pushups (regular or "girl")!
Health club joke

Warm Up
1a) some sort of cardio exercise for 5-10 min.
1) Body weight squats (x10)
2) Lunges (x7 ea.)
3) scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
4) Medicine ball push-ups! (x2 ea.) (there are 4 different types here so there will be 8 push-ups every time you do this once through)
5) trunk stretch


1) Straight arm crunch x15
3) Berry pickers x20 ea.
3) Toe touch x15

Do all this 3 times through

Are these workouts looking familiar? cause they should haha

Saturday, April 16, 2011

ABS Day 16

Hello fellow Picnic day participants (and non participants)! I hope you all enjoyed your day
Also as i walked by the track i was reminded of what I was doing at this time last year, and I missed here is another video! enjoy!
How not to hurdle

Warm Up
1a) some sort of cardio exercise for 5-10 min.
1) Body weight squats (x10)
2) Lunges (x7 ea.)
3) scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
4) Medicine ball push-ups! (x2 ea.) (there are 4 different types here so there will be 8 push-ups every time you do this once through)
5) trunk stretch

Do all this 2 times through

1)  pikes/jackknife sit-ups x12
2) 3 way sit-ups x 6 ea.
3) Dead fish/ Supermans x 20

Do all this 3 (THREE) times through!! 

Yup I told you it got harder...did I not??

Medicine Ball Push ups:
(If you don't have a medicine ball, a foam block (mom) will will the same... or anything sturdy enough to hold your weight that is approximately 3-6 inches off the ground.)
Place your left hand on the ball (or block) and perform push-ups as normal.
Now place your right hand on the ball (or block) and perform push-ups as normal.
Now both hands on the ground and perform your push ups so that your chest touches the ball (or block)
Finally put both hands on the block and perform push ups as "normal"

Friday, April 15, 2011

ABS Day 15

oh and............................It's Friday!

Warm up:
1) Light cardio of your preference (5-10 min.)
2) body weight squats  (x10)
3) Lunges (x7 ea.)
4) Mountain Climbers (x10)
5) Push-ups (x10)
6) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
7) Trunk Stretch (20 sec.)

Workout: (if you can hold these for more try 1 minute!)
1) Planks (45 seconds)
2)  Oblique planks/ side planks (45 seconds) 1 each side.
3) Seal stretch with raised legs (45 seconds)
4) Pelvic Bridge (30 seconds) x 2

Do all this 2 times through with a 5 minute break inbetween, also try to go straight through without breaks in the exercises, ie planks straight into oblique planks, straight into seal stretch, straight into the pelvic bridge.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

ABS Day 14

Warm up:
1) Light cardio of your preference (5-10 min.)
2) body weight squats  (x10)
3) Mountain Climbers (x10)
4) Push-ups (x10)
5) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
6) Trunk Stretch (20 sec.)

DO this 2 times through (the cardio can be done once through)

1) rocky sit ups x 20
2)straight leg raise x20
3) seal stretch with raised legs x30 sec (x2)
4) bicycles x20

Do all this x 2!

Posted from the iPhone cause I forgot...I'm sorry all for there being no joke!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ABS Day 13

Hello out there. I hope that Grover's work-out didn't take too much out of you :-P anyways on to today's fantastic experience!

Come see our production of this show April 22nd-May 15th!

Warm up:
1) Light cardio of your preference (5-10 min.)
2) body weight squats  (x10)
3) Mountain Climbers (x10)
4) Push-ups (x10) (starting on the 16th your push-ups will change, how you may ask, you will see!)
5) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
6) Trunk Stretch (20 sec.)

Do all this 2 times through

Workout: A little bit intense but...."I believe in you"
1) 3 way sit-ups (x8)
2) v twist (x10 ea.) (weighted)
3) Bicycles (x20) immediately followed by Flutter kicks/scissor kicks (x20)
4) Pelvic Bridge (20 sec. x 2) (30 sec. break in-between the 2)

Do all this 2 times through 5 or so minutes in between 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ABS Day 12

Today I am most looking forward to making my fried egg sandwich for late lunch.....just thought you should know ;)
Also is it Wednesday yet because I want my new bike shorts! (for those of you reading this after the day it was written, yes this happens EVERY time you read it!)
Also I was feeling a little old school meets new school today.
and after you have worked out to the old school video with the special guest star in the video! (who was one of my all time favorites if i recall right!) you might be the tag line from this new school video!

Warm up:
1) Light cardio of your preference (5-10 min.)
2) body weight squats  (x10)
3) Lunges (x 5 ea.)
4) Push-ups (x10) (more push-ups!)
5) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.) (new exercise because Adam asked!)
6) Trunk Stretch (20 sec.)

Do all this 2 times through!

1) Straight arm crunch (weighted) (x20)
2) Alternate heel touches (x20 ea.)
3) Toe touch (x20)
4) Pelvic Bridge (20 sec. x 2) (30 sec. break in-between the 2)

Do all this x 2

Scorpion stretch:
Lay face down on the floor with your arms spread out in a wingspan position. Now take your left foot and try to touch your right hand with it (don't over reach, just go as far as you can.) return to the start position. Now take your right foot and try to touch your left hand (again don't over reach). return to the start.

Pelvic Bridge:
lay flat on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor with your heels close to your butt hands down at your side, or over your head (this is just for stability). Raise your butt off the floor, now push your heels into the floor and raise your body off the floor as your keep your core tight and your back flat. hold for 20 seconds, breathe normally. Lower slowly back to the floor.

Monday, April 11, 2011

ABS Day 11

I hope that everyone's weekend was well...and for those of you who were at the potluck yesterday and told me you are far too behind on these.....I would just like to say (and you are reading this at least a week late :-P) congrats for sticking with it! hahaha...How do you all feel about the warm-up? I kind of gave up making a new one everyday because I figured it was decent enough....what are your thoughts and suggestions? Also comments on the workouts in general...too hard? just right? not hard enough? length of time? etc....

Warm Up:
1) Some form of light cardio exercise (enough just to get you breathing hard and maybe a light sweat)
2) body weight squats x 10
3) Lunges x 5 ea. leg
4) push-ups x 5
5) 20 jumping jacks
6) trunk stretch x 20 seconds

1) Rocky sit ups (x20)
2) Oblique crunches (x20 ea.)
3) Physio ball hyperextensions (x20)

Physio Ball Hyperextentions: (this can be weighted or non weighted, depending on how hard you want to make the exercise)
Lay face down on a physio ball with your hips in the middle of the ball. The balls of your feet will be in contact with the floor behind you. Now either hold a weight at your chest, or cross your arms on your chest. While keeping your back straight and your abs tight, exhale and bend at the hips and raise up off the ball. Try to get to a 90 degree angle, but don't over reach because you might strain something. Hold for a brief moment at the top, then inhale and lower back to the starting position slowly and controlled.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

ABS Day 10

Double digits!!!  In a few more days the planks come back (!!!) and we get to see if your time has improved!!! also you'll start seeing some workouts repeated, but with more reps and sets!! I hope you can see at least a little improvement in your abdominal strength!!

Warm Up:
1) Some form of light cardio exercise (enough just to get you breathing hard and maybe a light sweat)
2) body weight squats x 10
3) Lunges x 5 ea. leg
4) push-ups x 5
5) 20 jumping jacks
6) trunk stretch x 20 seconds

Workout: (you've done all these so if you need a reminder of what they are look back at previous workouts! 
1) Flutter Kicks (x25)
2) Berry Pickers (x20 ea.)
3) Straight Arm crunch (x20)

do this all 2 times through

Saturday, April 9, 2011

ABS Day 9

Good Afternoon...I hope that you all get out and enjoy your Saturday. If you have access to a squat rack or some sort of bar that is about 3 feet off the ground and can support your weight #3 exercise is for you, otherwise do #3a.  Should I help motivate like this??

Warm Up:
1) Some form of light cardio exercise (enough just to get you breathing hard and maybe a light sweat)
2) body weight squats x 10
3) Lunges x 5 ea. leg
4) push-ups x 5
5) 20 jumping jacks
6) trunk stretch x 20 seconds

1) Bicycles x 25 ea.
2) berry pickers 2 20 ea. (done previously)
3) Horizontal pull up x 15 
3a) Physio ball ABC's

do this 2 times through (if you are doing the horizontal pull ups, do 15 the first time through, then do the ABC's the second time through.)

Lay with your back flat on the floor, knees bent and above your chest, hands resting on the back of your head. Now exhale and bring your left knee to your right elbow, inhale and return to the starting position. Then exhale and bring your right knee to your left elbow, inhale and return to the starting position.

Horizontal pull ups:
position yourself underneath a barbell that is resting on a squat rack, or perhaps an extremely sturdy table. Grab the bar with your hands just outside shoulder width, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground (you can also do this with your legs fully extended if you have very good upper body strength, since this is harder :) ) now keep your back straight, exhale, and pull yourself up to the bar, hold for a brief moment, then inhale and slowly lower yourself.

Physio Ball ABC's: (these are one of my favorite exercises!)
Start in the same position as the physio ball push ups, now rest your forearms on the ball and clasp your hands together. This is your base position. Now with your hands draw the ABC's (yes all 26 letters, 29 if your spanish :-P ). Keep your back straight the whole time and keep your core tight as your do it to help with stability. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

ABS Day 8

Hello all.
I hope that the first week treated you well, and congratulations for continuing on!

Warm Up: (it's the same as yesterday)
1) Some form of light cardio exercise (enough just to get you breathing hard and maybe a light sweat)
2) body weight squats x 10
3) Lunges x 5 ea. leg
4) push-ups x 5
5) 20 jumping jacks
6) trunk stretch x 20 seconds

1) Straight Leg Raise x 20
2) Alternate Toe Touch x 20 ea.
3) Dead fish/superman x 20

Do this 2 times through

Alternate toe touch: 
This is the same as a toe touch, except touch your toes 1 hand at a time, right, left right left, etc...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

ABS Day 7

After today you will have finished 1 full week of abs HOORAY for you!! Be proud that you stuck with it for an entire week! It's an accomplishment! Now that you have been thoroughly congratulated on to today's workout and fun joke! First the joke

Now the workout:
NOTE: if you have experienced any cramping or slight muscle pulls during your workout it could be (but not necessayily) a sign that your body is not properly warmed up and ready for exercise. Please be aware of what your body is telling you and do not continue any movements or exercises that are causing your pain or discomfort! If this has been the case, extend your warm up time by an additional 5-10 min. by adding some cardiovascular work (such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, jumping rope, skipping, jumping jacks, etc...)

Warm Up:
1) Some form of light cardio exercise (enough just to get you breathing hard and maybe a light sweat)
2) body weight squats x 10
3) Lunges x 5 ea. leg
4) push-ups x 5
5) 20 jumping jacks
6) trunk stretch x 20 seconds

Do this 2 times through

Work out:

1) bent knee hip raise x 20
2) alternate heel touches x 20 ea.
3) physio ball push-ups x 20 (or as many as you can do)
There is a modification for this if it is too hard, because this is the hardest part of the workout!

Do this 2 times through

Cool down, stretch, drink some water, and pat yourself on the back for completing 1 full week of abs training!! :)
Bent Knee Hip Raise:
Lay with your back flat on the floor with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees as if you are going to do a regular sit-up. Now exhale and bring your knees up to your chest, when they are at your chest, raise your hips off the ground slightly and contract your abs, then inhale and return to your starting positions.

This is an easy exercise to "cheat" on by using momentum as the source of movement, try to keep all movements nice and controlled and not use the rocking momentum to complete them. This can be achieved by keeping the exercise slow (but not too slow, cause that could be painful :) )

Alternate Heel Touches:
Lay with your back flat on the floor, knees bent and arms extended at your side. Exhale and contract your left oblique and touch your left heel with your left hand, hold this position for 1 second, then inhale and return to the starting position. Then exhale and contract your right oblique and touch your right heel with your right hand, hold for 1 second, inhale and return.
These should also be done in a controlled and "slow" manner.

Physio Ball push-ups: (Warning, balance needed ;-)
You will need a physio ball for this (as the name suggests!) Place your hands on either side of the top part of the physio ball with your legs extended out behind you in a push-up position. This is the starting position. While keeping your balance on the physio ball perform a regular push up on the physio ball, exhale on the way down, inhale on the way up (the tricky part is not falling off the ball!) If you find that you cannot perform this exercise because you are falling off the ball (don't worry when i learned this I couldn't do it to save my life, i did one and was on the floor :) ) I have a modification for ya!!

Place your feet up on a small stool, stair, chair (you can also use your physio ball just be careful not to lose your balance!), something so that they are above your body in a normal up position of a push-up. (the higher your feet, the harder the exercise, just fyi) Now with your feet resting on whatever it is you found, perform your push-ups exhaling on the way down, inhaling on the way up.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ABS Day 6

Hello one and all! I hope that your days all are going and went well! Today in my opinion is an easy day that requires nothing but your body! So with that said, it would be a good day to supplement this workout with cardio!! Notice how my intro paragraphs are getting worse as the posts go on? maybe I should change that somehow.....
So here is how I'm livening it up!


Warm up:
1) body weight Squats x10
2) lunges x 5 ea. leg
3) 20 jumping jacks
4) push-ups x5
5) trunk stretch x 20 sec

Work out:
1) Rocky sit ups x25
2) J-Knife x 20 ea.
3) Straight leg raise x 25

Do all this 2 times through with a 5 minute break in between sets.

Rocky Sit ups: 
Lay with your back flat on the floor, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor with your hands resting (again just touching not pulling) on your head (this is a basic sit up position). Exhale and contract your abs and raise yourself up off the floor so that you are sitting up, in the up position contract your left obliques and twist your body (at the hips), then return to center and contract your right oblique. Inhale and lower back to your starting position. 


This is the same concept as the pikes/jackknifes, except you are doing 1 leg at a time. Your starting position is the same, but your "up" position is 1 leg in the pike position, and 1 leg extended out in front of you on the floor (remember not to lock your knee)!

Straight Leg Raise:
Lay with your back flat on the floor, your legs straight out in front of you, and your hands either at your side or under your butt. Exhale and slowly raise your legs off the ground 1-2 feet then inhale and slowly lower (don't touch your feet back to the ground though, keep them about an inch or 2 away).  For a more intense exercise see how high you can raise your legs, if you can get them to perpendicular with the ground that is great!

Stretch and cool down!!

<3 Bick!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ABS Day 5

First off Happy 116 Birthday to Chi Omega!! Second...insert your witty opening paragraph here for I have already worked 8 hours today and my brain is too tired to think...I will say as a reminder, that this program is designed to strengthen your abs and back, not burn the fat away, if you are looking to also burn off some excess fat, please add 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular work to the beginning of our workout 3-5 days a week!! (this doesn't include your warm-up or cool down)

1) body weight Squats x10
2) lunges x 5 ea. leg
3) 20 jumping jacks
4) push-ups x5
5) trunk stretch x 20 sec

Workout: (this one is using your weights/medicine ball/household object(s) that you found and used the last time you needed to use weights :) )
1) Toe touch x20
2) V-twist x 10 ea.
3) Jackknifes/pikes x 15

all of this 2 times through with a short break in-between (say 5 minutes)

Stretch out your abs and drink a glass of water!!

You should be familiar with the toe touches and pikes since you did them the last time :) only this time with the pikes you are holding a weight, if you had to do the modification like last time please do it again here! :)

V-Twist: (I'm sorry I don't have a video of this exact exercise, however it is very similar to a berry picker, except your feet are immobile, and you are only doing 1 side at a time!)
Sit with your feet flat on the floor under something that won't move, and bend your knees. Lean back so that you are at approximately a 45 degree angle with the floor. Hold the weight in your hands and keep it in front of your body at all times (this will ensure that you are doing the movement to its fullest range of motion as well as with the proper technique). Twist your body at the hips so that the weight touches the floor on your left side (this is your starting position). Now twist your body back (at the hips) to facing forward and extend your arms up and to the right in front of you. Return to the starting position with the weight at your side (remember to always face the weight).  Then switch and do the opposite side.

Monday, April 4, 2011

ABS Day 4

Hello again! I hope that your weekend treated you well! I'm going to keep this post short and sweet because I have a date with the sand man in preparation for my 3 am shift tomorrow :(

1a) walk, jog, run, bike, skip rope, whatever it is that you like to do for a light cardio warmup. (5 min.)
1) trunk stretch (the same one you've been doing all week
2) body weight Squats  x10
3) push-ups x5 (and yes these can be "girl" push-ups if you can't do regular ones.

do numbers 1-3 2 times through

1) Flutter kicks (scissor kicks) x25 ea.
2) Oblique crunches x15 ea.
3) Physio-ball knee tuck x20  or the substitute exercise if you can't do this one for whatever reason. x20

Do this 2 times through

Flutter Kicks (scissor kicks):
Lay with your back flat on the floor and your hands under your butt. Raise your legs about 6 inches off the ground. Now raise one leg 3-6 inches higher than the other one, then lower and raise the other leg simultaneously. It should look like you are kicking your legs through water or like you are a pair of scissors :) for a "deeper burn" raise your legs higher than 3-6 inchs!

Oblique crunches:

Lay on your side with your knees slightly bent and feet together. (You can have the arm of the side you are laying on extended in front of you at a little more than a 90 degree angle whatever is comfortable for you if you are having trouble with your balance.) Have your opposite hand rest behind your head (do not pull with this hand, just simply touch it there) exhale and contract your oblique and raise your rib cage off the ground,  hold for a brief moment then inhale and lower.

Physio Ball knee tuck:

This can also be done with a rolling chair if you don't own a physio ball, however if you don't have access to either of those you can do a substitution exercise which i will describe right after this!
Place your feet and shins on a physio ball and walk out on your hands so that you are in a comfortable "push up" position. Now, without taking your feet off the ball, slowly bring your knees up to your chest, and then slowly return to the starting position. If this is too easy for you try adding in a rotation of the hips, so that you end with the ball a bit to the side of you with your legs on their side as well, then return to the starting position.

Substitution exercise: (I know, I really should remember/look up the name of this, but I'm too tired right now to do it.)
lay with your back flat on the floor and your legs extended out. Exhale and bring your knees to your chest then inhale and return them to the starting position. This is a good substitute as well if you have weak wrists and can't support yourself in the up position of a push up for very long.

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

ABS Day 3

Hello all! I hope that your weekend is treating you well, and that you are enjoying the amazing weather. Today is the perfect workout for you to go out and lay in the sunshine and do this workout in the grass, if you have a place where that is an option, otherwise the fine comfort of your own home with a television screen, or at a gymnasium! Also I would like to state that these workouts are in no way supposed to be done if they are causing anyone stress, pain, or discomfort. If you experience any of these please stop what you are doing immediately and contact me for a substitute exercise, if you are experiencing pain you might want to seek medical attention. Anyways. here is your workout for this lovely Sunday!

1) 5 Minute jog, or 5 minute brisk walk.
2) Trunk stretch X 20 sec. 

I realize that today's warm-up is different than the past 2 days, this is because this workout is much different than those as well. Make sue that your body is completely warmed up because today is going to involve holding of positions for extended periods of times.  :)

WORKOUT: (you will need some sort of timing device for this workout, watch with seconds hand, stop watch, egg timer, any of these will work)

1) Planks (30 seconds)
2)  Oblique planks/ side planks (30 seconds) 1 each side.
3) Seal stretch with raised legs (30 seconds)

Do all of this 2 times through this is just 4 minutes of intense working out and then you are done with your abs for the day. If you are in better abs shape try holding the positions for 45 seconds of even a minute at a time!  
Remember to breathe!! 

here is a description of the position that you should hold for each plank

Seal stretch with raised legs:
Lay flat on the ground on your stomach with your arms at your side. slowly raise your shoulders and legs off the ground until you cannot go any further hold that position. Then slowly lower back to the ground 

Friday, April 1, 2011

ABS Day 2

Preface: These workouts would see the best results if done after your exercise for the day, such as a walking/running/cycling/ or whatever your heart desires for your body will already be 100% warmed up and ready to go. However if this is the only workout for the day try doing the warm-up 3 times through and adding some jumping jacks say 10-20 per set. :) 

Good Morning, Afternoon, or evening all! I hope that Day 1 treated you well and that you aren’t too sore today. Today’s workout will require you to use some sort of weight to assist in the workout. I’m sorry I forgot to mention this yesterday, but luckily you can use household items for this if you do not own hand weights or a medicine ball. Also 2 of the videos are of me and were taken last night by one of my slightly intoxicated roommates, so please try to control yourself and your dirty comments, for my mother is also following this workout program ;) (after saying that it will probably be my mom who makes the raunchy comment. Haha)

1) body weight squats x10
2) lunges X 5 ea.
2a) Jumping jacks (optional) 10-20
3) mountain climbers x10 ea.
4) push-ups x5
5) Trunk stretch X 20 sec.

Do all of this 2 times with a small rest of about 1 min. between sets.

WORKOUT: for these you will use your hand weights, medicine ball, or house hold items (such as water bottles, juice containers, vegetable oil, anything that weighs approximately 5-10 pounds). For weight recommendations if you are on the weaker side try to stay closer to the 5 lbs, where as if yesterday was easy for you try 8-10 lbs.

1) Straight arm crunch x20
3) Berry pickers x20 ea.
3) Toe touch x 20

Do all of that 2 times through with a rest of about 2 min. between sets. If this was far too easy for you and you didn't feel a burn once, do another set! :)

Trunk Stretch:Lay on your stomach with your hands flat on the ground next to your armpits. Slowly push yourself up from the ground (bending at the hips) as far as you can, hold this position there for 20 seconds then slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Lay flat on the floor with your knees bent and your feet should width apart. While holding your weight in your hands extend your arms straight into the air perpendicular to the floor.  Exhale and raise your chest off the floor so that your shoulder blades are off the ground, hold this position for a second then inhale as your lower back to the floor.

Hold your weight and sit on the floor with your knees bent and ankles crossed. Lean back so that you are at a 45 degree angle and your feet are off the ground. Hold your weight out in front of you and rotate at your hips to the left and tap (or hold right off the ground) your weight. Then rotate back to center and rotate to the right. 

Toe Touch: Remember you are holding a weight for this one! 
Lay flat on your back with your legs extended up perpendicular to the ground. Do the exercise just as you did for the straight arm crunch only this time touch your weight to your toes before you lower. 

Abs Day 1

Hello everyone I am so excited to be starting this program today, (and no this is not a horrible April fools joke). I am trying to decide the best way to post them so that you can learn the exercise as well as see what the workout is. so here goes trial 1!

Today's workout is (and don't worry i'll explain the exercises at the end if you don't know them by name):
1) body weight squats x10
2) lunges X 5 ea.
3) mountain climbers x10 ea.
4) push-ups x5

do all of this 2 times with a small rest of about 1 min. between sets.

1)  pikes/jackknife sit-ups x15
2) 3 way sit-ups x 8 ea.
3) Dead fish/ Supermans x 20

do all of that 2 times through with a rest of about 2 min. between sets. If this was far too easy for you and you didn't feel a burn once, do another set! :)

Cool down by doing some brief stretches and controlled breathing!

Squats: stand with your feet just outside should width apart. Stick your butt out slightly and lower your hips till your knees are just over your toes, then raise and repeat.

Mountain climbers: start in the up position for a regular push-up. Bring your left knee up to your chest then switch and bring your right knee up to your chest. do this as fast as possible.

start by laying with your back flat against the floor and your legs and arms fully extended. Exhale and contract your abs as your simultaneously raise both your arms and legs up to meet. Briefly hold and inhale as your lower. then repeat. Try not to bounce off the ground with your legs and arms, it may be easier to do the exercise but it is not fully working your abs.

3 way sit-up
lay with your back flat on the floor, knees are bent and your feet are shoulder width apart. raise up into a basic crunch and put your hands between your feet and exhale, then lower and inhale. repeat however this time contract your right oblique (side muscle where those love handles are :) ) and place your hands to the right of your right foot. Repeat but contract your left oblique and place hands on the left of your left foot. That is 1 repetition.
Lay flat on your stomach with your arms and legs fully extended. Simultaneously raise your legs, arms and chest off the floor and exhale. hold at the top for 2 seconds then inhale as your lower.

I hope you can see the videos and good luck on day one!