Friday, April 1, 2011

Abs Day 1

Hello everyone I am so excited to be starting this program today, (and no this is not a horrible April fools joke). I am trying to decide the best way to post them so that you can learn the exercise as well as see what the workout is. so here goes trial 1!

Today's workout is (and don't worry i'll explain the exercises at the end if you don't know them by name):
1) body weight squats x10
2) lunges X 5 ea.
3) mountain climbers x10 ea.
4) push-ups x5

do all of this 2 times with a small rest of about 1 min. between sets.

1)  pikes/jackknife sit-ups x15
2) 3 way sit-ups x 8 ea.
3) Dead fish/ Supermans x 20

do all of that 2 times through with a rest of about 2 min. between sets. If this was far too easy for you and you didn't feel a burn once, do another set! :)

Cool down by doing some brief stretches and controlled breathing!

Squats: stand with your feet just outside should width apart. Stick your butt out slightly and lower your hips till your knees are just over your toes, then raise and repeat.

Mountain climbers: start in the up position for a regular push-up. Bring your left knee up to your chest then switch and bring your right knee up to your chest. do this as fast as possible.

start by laying with your back flat against the floor and your legs and arms fully extended. Exhale and contract your abs as your simultaneously raise both your arms and legs up to meet. Briefly hold and inhale as your lower. then repeat. Try not to bounce off the ground with your legs and arms, it may be easier to do the exercise but it is not fully working your abs.

3 way sit-up
lay with your back flat on the floor, knees are bent and your feet are shoulder width apart. raise up into a basic crunch and put your hands between your feet and exhale, then lower and inhale. repeat however this time contract your right oblique (side muscle where those love handles are :) ) and place your hands to the right of your right foot. Repeat but contract your left oblique and place hands on the left of your left foot. That is 1 repetition.
Lay flat on your stomach with your arms and legs fully extended. Simultaneously raise your legs, arms and chest off the floor and exhale. hold at the top for 2 seconds then inhale as your lower.

I hope you can see the videos and good luck on day one!


  1. Don't know if I can do the Pikes/Jackknifes, they look pretty difficult, but I'll try...


  2. If you can't do the pikes for the same reason I cannot..which is what I just remembered while doing this workout 5 minutes ago here is the modification that I use.....
    Instead of bringing your legs up straight to meet your arms, bend your knees when you raise your legs and have your knees meet at your chest. I have to use this because my hips pop every time I do these and it tends to annoy and sometimes hurt. Also the 3-way sit-ups I find are the hardest so if you feel you aren't in the greatest of shape try doing only 4 of them (it's still 12 sit-ups)! If others have concerns or questions I'll be checking this most of the day everyday or just text me! (415-717-5118) I Love Texts!! haha

  3. ok...I just finished my workout about 10 mins ago...I can't do the mountain climbers...I got into the up position for the girls pushup and then touched my knww to my wrist and held it for 2 secs...x's 10...both sets...I don't know if that's a good alternative but it is a good stretch.
    I did the whole workout...YAAYY...
    I'll be sore tomorrow...

  4. Saying this as someone who has to do physical therapy for disabilities every day, and who has helped others with disabilities do their physical therapy correctly...

    Whom are you marketing this to? If it's to people who have been exercising for years, this should work out nicely. But if it's to beginners, there are some exercises that should not be attempted.

    Difference between a hard exercise and one that should not be attempted: Hard exercises, beginners immediately know they can't do, but they can attempt and do their best, and the only pain will be stretching too far. Other exercises, however, look easy, and beginners can do them...but they will do them wrong and will hurt themselves.

    Loved the squats, liked the mountain climbers except they were a little annoying on my back. That's a fault with me, not with the exercise.

    Lunges are VERY bad for anyone with weak ankles, without good balance, etc. To do a lunge properly, you really need to make sure your ankle is only bending forward. Everything needs to be balanced properly with no sideways movement whatsoever. Any twisting, leaning, etc. can cause strain/sprain. The foot needs to be pointing STRAIGHT forward when this happens.

    Pushups should be done with wrapped wrists if possible. Also should be done with some arm strength already, because otherwise it can twist the back.

    The workout exercises, I couldn't really do anyway simply because of the rod in my spine. The jackknife looks fine. The other two, a beginner should exercise caution. (Exercise...oh, I'm hilarious.) They can be done safely by a beginner, though.
