Friday, April 1, 2011

ABS Day 2

Preface: These workouts would see the best results if done after your exercise for the day, such as a walking/running/cycling/ or whatever your heart desires for your body will already be 100% warmed up and ready to go. However if this is the only workout for the day try doing the warm-up 3 times through and adding some jumping jacks say 10-20 per set. :) 

Good Morning, Afternoon, or evening all! I hope that Day 1 treated you well and that you aren’t too sore today. Today’s workout will require you to use some sort of weight to assist in the workout. I’m sorry I forgot to mention this yesterday, but luckily you can use household items for this if you do not own hand weights or a medicine ball. Also 2 of the videos are of me and were taken last night by one of my slightly intoxicated roommates, so please try to control yourself and your dirty comments, for my mother is also following this workout program ;) (after saying that it will probably be my mom who makes the raunchy comment. Haha)

1) body weight squats x10
2) lunges X 5 ea.
2a) Jumping jacks (optional) 10-20
3) mountain climbers x10 ea.
4) push-ups x5
5) Trunk stretch X 20 sec.

Do all of this 2 times with a small rest of about 1 min. between sets.

WORKOUT: for these you will use your hand weights, medicine ball, or house hold items (such as water bottles, juice containers, vegetable oil, anything that weighs approximately 5-10 pounds). For weight recommendations if you are on the weaker side try to stay closer to the 5 lbs, where as if yesterday was easy for you try 8-10 lbs.

1) Straight arm crunch x20
3) Berry pickers x20 ea.
3) Toe touch x 20

Do all of that 2 times through with a rest of about 2 min. between sets. If this was far too easy for you and you didn't feel a burn once, do another set! :)

Trunk Stretch:Lay on your stomach with your hands flat on the ground next to your armpits. Slowly push yourself up from the ground (bending at the hips) as far as you can, hold this position there for 20 seconds then slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Lay flat on the floor with your knees bent and your feet should width apart. While holding your weight in your hands extend your arms straight into the air perpendicular to the floor.  Exhale and raise your chest off the floor so that your shoulder blades are off the ground, hold this position for a second then inhale as your lower back to the floor.

Hold your weight and sit on the floor with your knees bent and ankles crossed. Lean back so that you are at a 45 degree angle and your feet are off the ground. Hold your weight out in front of you and rotate at your hips to the left and tap (or hold right off the ground) your weight. Then rotate back to center and rotate to the right. 

Toe Touch: Remember you are holding a weight for this one! 
Lay flat on your back with your legs extended up perpendicular to the ground. Do the exercise just as you did for the straight arm crunch only this time touch your weight to your toes before you lower. 


  1. Today's workout should work the following muscle groups.
    St. Arm crunch - upper abs
    Berry pickers - obliques
    toe touch - lower abs

  2. I did my workout today after I did 2 miles on the treadmill...I'm pretty tired now...

  3. You should do all of these in a youtube video so we can follow along :D

  4. OK, Britt...I'm back for the 2nd's going faster; I'm able to excercise w/o too many breaks. Something must have been retained during the 3 month break!
