Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ABS Day 20

Best Nap ever was just achieved...haha except now the jerky dog is whining geez i need to move...haha

Throw back to a few years ago

Warm up:
1)    1)  20 minutes of cardio (that’s right, 20 whole minutes! That is like an entire online episode of your favorite 30 minute television show.)
2)    2Body weight squats (x10)
3)  3) Lunges (try making this harder by holding some hand weights in your hands as you do these, or 2 water bottles, cans of soup, etc. ) (x8 ea.)
4)   4) Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
5)   5) Trunk Stretch (x20 seconds)
Pu6) Med ball push ups (x 3 ea.)

BTW you only have to do the exercises 2 times, not the cardio...

Work out:

1) bent knee hip raise x 15 (or just bring your knees in to your chest but do 25)
2) alternate heel touches x 20 ea.
3) physio ball push-ups x 12 (or as many as you can do)
There is a modification for this if it is too hard, because this is the hardest part of the workout!

Do all this 3 times through

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