First off Happy 116 Birthday to Chi Omega!! Second...insert your witty opening paragraph here for I have already worked 8 hours today and my brain is too tired to think...I will say as a reminder, that this program is designed to strengthen your abs and back, not burn the fat away, if you are looking to also burn off some excess fat, please add 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular work to the beginning of our workout 3-5 days a week!! (this doesn't include your warm-up or cool down)
1) body weight Squats x10
2) lunges x 5 ea. leg
3) 20 jumping jacks
4) push-ups x5
5) trunk stretch x 20 sec
Workout: (this one is using your weights/medicine ball/household object(s) that you found and used the last time you needed to use weights :) )
1) Toe touch x20
2) V-twist x 10 ea.
3) Jackknifes/pikes x 15
all of this 2 times through with a short break in-between (say 5 minutes)
Stretch out your abs and drink a glass of water!!
You should be familiar with the toe touches and pikes since you did them the last time :) only this time with the pikes you are holding a weight, if you had to do the modification like last time please do it again here! :)
V-Twist: (I'm sorry I don't have a video of this exact exercise, however it is very similar to a berry picker, except your feet are immobile, and you are only doing 1 side at a time!)
Sit with your feet flat on the floor under something that won't move, and bend your knees. Lean back so that you are at approximately a 45 degree angle with the floor. Hold the weight in your hands and keep it in front of your body at all times (this will ensure that you are doing the movement to its fullest range of motion as well as with the proper technique). Twist your body at the hips so that the weight touches the floor on your left side (this is your starting position). Now twist your body back (at the hips) to facing forward and extend your arms up and to the right in front of you. Return to the starting position with the weight at your side (remember to always face the weight). Then switch and do the opposite side.
Yay! all caught up! (with only minor cheating...)