Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ABS Day 19

Hello all,
I am writing this from the lobby of Safelite, since I had to get my window replaced. Shout out to whomever smashed it  in last night in the DMTC parking lot “You better look gosh darn sexy in my swim suit and pj’s, because I never got to wear them!” JERKS!
(also this would have been posted complete with a joke while I sat in the lobby waiting area, however they are one of the only company buildings I know who doesn’t have wireless internet, hello this is 2011, not 1998 haha)
Alright enough Debbie downer time, and on to some working out!
Youtube video of the day
Song this is how I feel about who ever smashed my window...I would be Antoine hahaha

Warm up:
1)      20 minutes of cardio (that’s right, 20 whole minutes! That is like an entire online episode of your favorite 30 minute television show.)
2)      Body weight squats (x10)
3)      Lunges (try making this harder by holding some hand weights in your hands as you do these, or 2 water bottles, cans of soup, etc. ) (x8 ea.)
4)      Scorpion stretch (x5 ea.)
5)      Trunk Stretch (x20 seconds) (have you noticed that you can go farther than when you first started doing these?)
Do all this 2 times through

1)      Rocky sit-ups (x20)
2)      Straight leg raises (x20)
3)      Supermans/dead fish (x20)
4)      Pelvic Bridge (30 seconds)  (x2)
Do all this 3 times through (ya this is a kinda hard day.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeaahhh, and if it's a guy who stole your swimsuit/pjs, I hope your girlfriend/wife sees that stuff in your car and thinks you're cheating on her and you wind up on Jerry Springer show to take a lie detector test and you fail!!
